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Space Heating: have your say!!

General discussion

Last update: 18 May 2021

If you´re struggled to assess energy savings under article 7, check this report that presents an extensive collection of existing BU-Methodologies within MS in a structured and user friendly format.

We learn that space heating end-use is by far the best represented in the catalogues, by all countries and in all sectors. Nevertheless, even if space heating  is well represented in terms of  nº of  methodologies for evaluating energy savings, heating  is still one of the main challenges for buildings decarbonization, as most of the heating needs are still provided by fossil fuels. Besides, there is a hot debate at EU level around the transition to non-fossil fuels and the promotion of H2 to heating homes.  Would you agree with this strategy? What solutions do you support for switch to clean energy heating?...

Should streamSAVE focus on developing deemed methodologies for heat pumps in the next round of priority actions?...