We are here to answer your questions.

Are the training results saved on the streamSAVE platform?


Yes. Registered users can save the results of their calculations (only visible to the registered user). In this way, the user can compile multiple scenarios or estimates. Furthermore, there is the possibility of eliminating those results that are not interesting by clicking on the trash icon in the upper right corner.

Which are the required steps to do a calculation in the Training Module?


STEP 1:  Select the methodology for one Priority Action and click on the button 'Calculate'.


STEP 2:  Fill info and do the calculation. Each of the calculation forms has the following elements:

  • Practical guidance. A detailed description of each methodology (including data sources) can be found in the report “Guidance on savings calculation methodologies, including indicative values”.
  • Excel template. For each methodology, the savings calculation can be done either online, or downloaded via a blank excel template.
  • Data input & Energy Carriers. Once the calculation of a methodology is accessed, the main information on the methodology, main characteristics of the formulas and data to be entered are visualised. For each of the data inputs or automatically generated values, an information signal “i” is available, which by passing the mouse cursor over it, launches an explanatory message about the data to be included. Whenever possible, streamSAVE has prepared indicative calculation values based on EU-averages in order to help with a rough assessment of savings that can be achieved. However, it is advised to use national data (in case available) in order to increase the accuracy and the level of detail of the calculations. The Training Module, therefore, offers two columns to complete, one for entering National Data, and the other including the suggested EU indicative values. The calculation can be performed as long as at least one column is filled out completely. For the calculation of primary energy and CO2 savings, national data or EU averages can also be used to calculate the conversion factors corresponding to the energy carriers used. A detailed description of each methodology (including data sources) can be found in the report “Guidance on savings calculation methodologies, including indicative values”.
  • Calculate. Once the values have been entered, press the Calculator button to go to the results page. All your calculations are saved within the streamSAVE platform, but only accessible via your user account.            


STEP 3: Download results (.xlsx file). Regardless of the selected methodology, it is possible to identify the following elements:

  • Share my result. Pressing the "Share my result" button will generate a link in your clipboard with which you can share the results tab. Only registered users will have access to this functionality.
  • Practical guidance. Same as in step 2
  • Excel template. Same as in step 2
  • Download results for Excel. By pressing the" Download results for Excel" button, it is possible to download the spreadsheet with the results for greater convenience.
  • New calculation for this data. The "new calculation for this data" button allows you to come back to the calculation form page and make modifications to your calculations.          
  • Give methodology feedback. A questionnaire download will be launched to be fulfilled.
  • Data input. The section data input shows the values introduced in the calculation form.
  • Calculation results. The calculation results section shows indicators obtained for your calculation case.
  • Cost related to the action. The costs section shows indicative values for the actions described.

Which are the different methodologies developed in the Training Module currently available?


The Training Module provides 8 newly developed bottom-up calculation methodologies featuring indicative calculation values, data on costs and estimations of GHG emission reduction. The following methodologies have been prepared: 

- Heat recovery for on-site use in industry - feedback of excess heat into a process 

- Heat recovery for on-site use in industry - use of excess heat for on-site applications 

- Heat recovery for feed-in to a district heating grid 

- Building Automation and Control Systems in residential and non-residential buildings 

- Energy efficient compression refrigeration units 

- Fuel Switching to Electric Vehicles 

- Energy efficient road lighting systems – engineering approach 

- Energy efficient road lighting systems – simplified approach”


The second round of actions, focusing on 5 new Priority Actions, is ongoing since March 2022 and resulted in 8 newly calculation methodologies:

- Anticipated motor replacement

- Feedback and tailored advice in the residential sector

- Thermally improved building envelope of refurbished buildings for energy poor households

- Small-scale renewable heating in buildings for energy poor households

- Behaviour measures addressing energy-poor households

- Freight Transport: modal shift potentials from road to rail per Member State

- Heat pumps for heating and hot water

- Biomass boilers for heating and hot water

What is the purpose of the Training Module?


The Training Module is a streamSAVE resource where you can discover and practice the streamSAVE methodologies for each Priority Action on energy savings estimations and cost effectiveness.


In this way, Member States can consult and use the streamSAVE output data and methodologies in the way they prefer to comply with own needs and EED reporting obligations.

What is a Dialogue Group?


A Dialogue Group gathers experts and policy officers from various EU Member States to share experience and discuss key issues related to the savings calculations for a given Priority Action.

The StreamSAVE team facilitates the exchanges by organising web-meetings, providing an online forum and summarizing the main lessons learnt from the discussions.

What are Priority Actions?


The project is working on calculation methods for a selection of Priority Actions. These are technical energy saving solutions with high energy savings potential and selected according to stakeholder needs.

streamSAVE will target a total of 10 Priority Actions over two cycles of experience sharing and capacity building.

Where can I change my interest for specific Priority Actions?

Sign upMy account

When you click on your name (right top), you can change your interest in the 'Privacy settings'.

When I follow a discussion topic on the Forum, what does that mean?


This means that you will receive an email each time when a new reaction or comment is posted on the discussion topic.  

How to to react on a discussion topic in the Forum?


You can click on the discussion, write your comment or reaction, and then submit your reply by clicking on 'Post Comment'. If you want, you can also share a graph or file with your peers, by uploading these into your comment. You have the option to post a comment 'anonymously'.  

How to add an item or new discussion topic in the Forum?


You have to go to Forum page, and click on "Add new discussion." You will then see a menu where you will be allowed to add a title, some text, and some keys.