This bi-annual summary provides an overview and the key information from the activities ran by the streamSAVE dialogue groups between January and June 2022. Two workshops held in February and March 2022 concluded the first cycle of dialogue activities. Then new dialogue groups have been initiated for the second cycle, to discuss methodologies and issues related to the calculation of energy savings from five other Priority Actions: Feedback and tailored advice for behaviour changes, small-scale RES for heating (incl.DHW), Accelerated replacement of inefficient electric motors, Modal shift for freight transport –road to rail, and Energy efficiency measures (also) alleviating energy poverty.
Overall, 149 single participants from 30 countries took part in at least one of the 3 dialogue meetings or the two workshops organised in the first semester 2022.
These meetings included 9 external presentations.
You can find the minutes and presentation files of these meetings on the platform.
The summary’s take away’s are:
- Additionality is one of the key principles for the implementation of Article 7 EED and related Annex V, and also one of the most challenging. The growing experience available illustrates how this can be done according to the type of energy saving action and policy measure.
- Early replacements are a special case that requires to use a staircase approach in the energy savings calculations, distinguishing periods before and after the assumed ‘normal’ replacement. It can be challenging to determine how many years before the end of lifetime the equipment is replaced.
- The Annex to the Commission’s Recommendation (September 2019) includes useful guidance about tackling additionality, as well as about the calculation of energy savings from behavioural measures.
- The approaches used in the behaviour change interventions vary broadly, and so their results. Requiring empirical studies to prove the effects of the behaviour interventions can be a way to improve their reliability.
- When dealing with the replacement of heating systems, setting the baseline might need to consider if the policy measure promotes fuel switching, as in this case it might be relevant to define a baseline according to the type of technology of the replaced system.
- Small-scale RES technologies do not always lead to final energy savings. In this case, these actions are not eligible to Article 7 EED.
- About motor replacement, harmonised data about the number of running hours and load factors are more difficult to source (while efficiency values are standardised). An alternative to indicative values is to use data monitored for the actions reported or a sample of actions.
- Whenever possible, this is more accurate to use ‘real-life’ data instead of default or standard values. However, in practice, it is not always possible to get data specific to each project, depending on the context.
- A full optimization of the use of electric motors (including about the installed power) requires a whole system approach that is not yet always possible in practice.
- It is not possible to define standardised values at EU level about modal shift for freight transport. Therefore, the streamSAVE methodology provides a calculation of the theoretical potential for modal shift per Member State.
- The rail network density can be a limiting factor, meaning that a realistic assumption is that the freight volume could be at maximum doubled by 2030 (at EU level).
- One challenge specific to freight is that it can be both, national and international, whereas only savings achieved within the Member State can be reported to the EED. Specific assumptions are thus needed to estimate the share of savings within the country.