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Summary of the dialogue activities of July-December 2021

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Alberto MORENO

Dialogue web-meetingsGeneral

Last update: 27 Jan 2022

This bi-annual summary provides an overview and key information from the activities ran by the streamSAVE dialogue groups between July and December 2021, discussing methodologies and issues related to the calculation of energy savings from five Priority Actions: BACS (Building Automation & Control Systems), Public Lighting, Electric Vehicles, Heat Recovery, and Refrigeration systems.


Overall, 56 single participants from 22 countries took part in at least one of the 3 dialogue meetings organised in the second semester 2021.

These meetings included 6 external presentations.

You can find the minutes and presentation files of these meetings on the platform.


The summary’s take away’s are:

– The five Priority Actions analysed in the first cycle represent significant energy savings potentials, and thereby opportunities to contribute to the targets of the EED.

– Knowledge and skills are essential to ensure that energy efficiency improvements are achieved as expected. Likewise for developing calculation methods.

– Deemed savings and scaled savings have both pros and cons. Deemed savings can help monitor a large number of projects. Scaled savings provide more precise and specific data.

– Specific data are sometimes easily available at the project level, and can then be used directly by the project holder (e.g., to assess cost-effectiveness). However, this might be difficult or costly to collect specific data from a large number of projects for the monitoring of a national energy efficiency scheme.

– Offering two alternatives (deemed savings or scaled savings) can provide flexibility for project holders to report data in a cost-effective manner.

– Projects in the industry are sometimes complex and require specific data to calculate savings. A standardized method helps to ensure that the calculations are done in line with the rules set in the scheme it is reported to.

– Setting conservative values of deemed savings can be a way to encourage the use of standardized methods fed with data specific to the energy efficiency projects, at least if these can be easily collected (e.g., for road lighting projects).

– Deemed savings might need to be differentiated according to sub-sectors or sub-types of actions. A set of deemed savings can then be used to provide a standardised way to monitor energy savings while reflecting variations according to key parameters that can easily be reported by stakeholders.

– Special cases might require slight adaptations to the calculation formulas (e.g., new lighting points for road lighting; early replacements for electricity vehicles).

– For most Priority Actions, indicative values can be defined at EU level, providing a first benchmark. However, it is recommended to use national data whenever possible, especially for parameters that may vary significantly from one country to the other.

– The indicative cost values provide a general benchmark, but should not be used for a particular case.

– Uncertainties in key parameters (e.g., electricity prices in the case of road lighting) can have a major influence on the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency projects.